Convert Pixels to Inches

px (Width)
px (Height)
inch (W)
inch (H)

Inches to Pixels

Pixels to Centimeters

Centimeters to Pixels

Pixels to Meters

Meters to Pixels

Pixels to Millimeters

Millimeters to Pixels

Pixels to vw

vw to Pixels

Pixels to vh

vh to Pixels

Pixels to DP

DP to Pixels

Pixels to EM

EM to Pixels

Pixels to REM

REM to Pixels

Pixels to Percentage

Percentage to Pixels

Pixels to Megapixel

Megapixel to Pixels

Conversion of units

Pixels to Inches conversion is an easy feat when done through the px to inch converter. Unit conversion is the process of converting units in one system of measurement into those of another system (both measuring the same quantity). The table below shows the conversion between px and inch.

72 DPI or PPI
1px 0.013889 inch
96 DPI or PPI
1px 0.010417 inch
300 DPI or PPI
1px 0.003333 inch
600 DPI or PPI
1px 0.001667 inch