Tip Calculator

Bill Amount
Tip %
Number of People
← change

Tip Amount


Total Bill Amount


Tip per Person


Total Bill per Person

Add Percentage Calculator

Average Order Value Calculator

Commission Calculator

Conversion Rate Calculator

Discount Calculator

Electricity cost calculator

Margin Calculator

Markup Calculator

Percent Off Calculator

Percentage Calculator

Percentage Decrease Calculator

Percentage Increase Calculator

Productivity Calculator

Salary Calculator

Waist to Hip Ratio Calculator

3 Times Rent Calculator

50/30/20 Rule Calculator

Conversion of units

Using tip calculator, you can easily find out how much tip need to leave for the provited services. Calculating gratuity or tip on a calculator is a simple multiplication. Since the tip is figured as the bill times a percentage you can do one calculation to find the total amount you'll leave including tip. If you are splitting the check at a restaurant or bar input how many people and see the total amount each person pays. Each time know exactly, how much you need to tip. There is an unwritten rule that a tip should be between 10% and 20% of the total value of the bill.