Electricity cost calculator

Power consumption
Watts (W)
Energy price
Example 0.1319 $/kWh
as 13.19 cents/kWh
Usage time
hours/per day
kWh/per day

Power consumed

$/per day


kWh/per month

Power consumed

$/per month


kWh/per year

Power consumed

$/per year


This information, along with the Electricity bill calculator should be used for informational purposes only.

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Electricity cost calculator

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Conversion of units

Electricity bill cost calculation to help you estimate your monthly energy usage cost. To get the energy consumption (kWh), multiply the appliance wattage (W or kW) by the number of hours you use. For example, if you use a 420W television for 7 hours per day, you are using 2940Wh or 2.94kWh per day. In one month the consumption cost will be 2.94kWh x 30 days x 0.20 $/kWh = $17.64.